STERO's - Strategic Partnership:
STERO Biotechs was established in 2017 in partnership with Mor Research Applications Ltd., the technology transfer arm of ‘CLALIT’ Health Services (CHS).
CHS is the largest HMO in Israel, with over 4.5M members, operating over 2,000 community clinics as well as 14 full-scale hospitals specializing in all fields of medicine. CHS has 32,000 employees, including over 9,000 physicians.
Mor Research Applications was established in 1994, as the Technology Transfer Arm of CHS. To date, Mor has handled over 300 patent applications and has established over 50 portfolio start-up companies, in diverse fields of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostics, digital health and more.
This strategic partnership allows STERO to enjoy close proximity to Israel’s leading research and clinical centers, direct access to collaboration with leading KOLs and physicians in diverse medical fields and an insider’s look into one of Israel’s leading innovation and IP generation centers in the medical field.
The MOR & STERO partnership allows us to maximize our clinical potential and to reach vast numbers of patients and data.
Stero is also a proud member of The Cannabis Innovation Center (CIC). CIC is a group of IP protected startup companies in the Biotech space with an emphasis on Cannabis development, with a clear advantage in the pharma and drug development areas.
CIC includes a variety of companies, such as Stero Biotechs, CannaLean Biotechs, CannaMore Biotechs and others.